209-815-4407 doug@zirpelins.com
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If you need Medi-Cal coverage and your income is above the Medi-Cal income guidelines in your state, your state may offer a Medi-Cal spend-down for aged, blind, and disabled (ABD) individuals who do not meet eligibility requirements. This program allows you to deduct certain medical expenses from your income so that you can qualify for ABD Medi-Cal. If you have medical expenses that significantly reduce your usable income, you may qualify for a Medi-Cal spend-down. The spend-down program may also be referred to as a medically needy program orMedi-Cal Excess Income Program. Below is a general guide to the Medi-Cal spend-down process. Contact your local Medi-Cal office to learn if a spend-down program is available in your state, and the rules for applying

Many Seniors in 2022 especially in March and April will be losing their full Medi-Cal Benefit that pays their Part B Medicare cost of $170.10 due to the 5.9% Cola increase congress passed for 2022. Contact your Human Services Agency (HSA) caseworker and get the spend-down amount needed to remain on Full Medi-Cal before your Social Security check is short $170.10. Families and Children share with Parents and Relatives, please. Call Doug Zirpel for help, questions, or concerns. 209-815-4407 at Zirpel Insurance Services. Dental and vision link for spend down products.